Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sex And The City 2 Official Full Trailer

The moment has FINALLY come and I couldn't be more happier than I am right now to see more footage from my most anticipated Summer movie of the year...This looks FANTASTIC!! I've got to hand it to Michael Patrick King, the cinematography looks excellent!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Square Trailer

Could be a sleeper hit...

Kites Trailer

Um wow, lol...I might have to see this just for the sheer camp of it all. However, The films looks beautiful. The images are very pleasing to the eye, we'll have to see if it's actually good but this has "B" movie written all over it and I LOVE that! Plus, I like when romance and adventure is mixed. The trailer is cheese-tastic but I might be surprised...

Tron Legacy Trailer

I have to admit, I actually want to see this. It looks stylish and well made. I haven't seen the original TRON, but I think I might have to educate myself soon.

I Am Love Trailer

Ok, when I see a trailer like this, it reminds me of why I want to do want I want to do. This, my friends, is the true example of a cinematic achievement. Judging from the trailer, I can't WAIT to see this.

Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky Trailer

When I see a trailer like this, I get really excited. Sony Pictures Classics is an underrated distributor and they put out some great films that are cinematically fantastic. I have a soft spot for foreign films as it is and I LOVED the beauty of this trailer...

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Trailer

This looks original and fantastic...I love to see something different and so far this is the only summer film besides Sex And The City 2 that I'm dying to see. I'm sure there are others but I haven't seen the trailers yet...