Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Cry In The Dark?

I'm sitting here at my computer looking at this blog that I just created and I'm wondering what the fuck I'm doing. Do I know what I'm doing? I'm an out of work actor, writer, singer, and possibly director just putting out words into cyberspace that may or may not be read. Then I remember I'm doing this for myself. I'm doing this because I've been working for dead end jobs that I don't love. Sitting in a cubicle of nothingness while people speak to me as if they have no respect for another person. I love film. I've loved film since I was a child and my mom would rent videos from Blockbuster for me almost every day after school. As a matter of fact I've learned most of my film knowledge from watching film and somehow seeing past what an ordinary moviegoer would see. That's what this blog is. Not just movie reviews but film observations and what they mean to me and what they should mean to people who watch them but totally miss the message because they go into a movie looking for the wrong things. I have a massive DVD & Blu Ray collection and there's still a shit load of films that I need to see. So I'm going to challenge myself to watch at least one film everyday and write about it and what I think about it. To start up a discussion if you will. No opinion is a wrong one. All opinions will be respected no matter how spitefully hateful they are. So why am I doing this? Maybe it's because I want to do something I love even if I don't get paid for it. Maybe I'm just bored as hell and am doing this to pass the bloody time. Who knows. I'm not looking to get anything out of this but sheer satisfaction in analyzing films from the past and the present. So whether I'm on this journey alone or not, I'm going to enjoy it :-)

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