Thursday, December 31, 2009

Two Lovers (2008)

Oh what a day! I didn't think I was gonna be able to put an entry in today...of course I don't know why I should be concerned. This blog is a pointless endeavor and puts me in a pool of a thousand witty bloggers wanting their blogs to be read. Once again I had to save the world today, so to speak. My time is not treasured by others. No one is considerate of my time it feels like. I almost didn't get to watch my movie last night but somehow managed nonetheless after cooking spaghetti and meeting my sister's neighbors in her building who, for some strange reason, actually like me. What's wrong with them? LOL....In any event I find myself back here in the media room in my sister's building, since she doesn't have an Internet connection, rambling on here. Right, back to saving the world. So I was talking to my favorite person on the phone and my sister calls with an emergency and I'm just like, this always happens to me. Not that I didn't want to help her, it's just that every time I try to do something or I'm on the phone either my mom or my sister always have something that they need done right away. The only one who is considerate of my time is my dad and our relationship sucks. This very thing has caused rifts in many of my relationships. I've got to put a stop to it.

Today's film of the day is "TWO LOVERS" starring Joaquin Phoenix, Gwyneth Paltrow, Vinessa Shaw, Isabella Rosselini, and Elias Koteas. It's directed by James Gray and distributed by Magnolia pictures. The Only other James Gray film I've seen is "We Own The Night" which I thought was pretty good. He also directed "The Yards" with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron, which I didn't see. All three films star Joaquin Phoenix though. I couldn't have watched this film at a better time when I, myself am going through a similar situation. Joaquin plays Leonard a man who moves in with his parents after his fiancee leaves him. His family owns a dry cleaners in Brooklyn and he works there to help them out. He meets a friend of the family's daughter Sandra, played by Vinessa Shaw, and they hit it off until the next day when he meets Michelle, played by Gwyneth Paltrow. The film is basically about how Leonard deals with these two very different women in his life and determining which one he really wants. While at the same time he's dealing with his parents' pressure with the family business. It's a very well acted, well played film with maybe a couple of flaws, but nothing to freak out over. The thing that I find interesting about this film is how restrained the performances are. I can't stress enough that subtle acting speaks volumes about the character. Not to say that there aren't performances that require more from you, but at that point you have to know how to straddle that fine line between acting and overacting. It's very tricky. So many actors have the tendency to overact and to be a character instead of inhabiting a character. There's a big difference. When you watch a lot of movies like I do, you pick up on it, but you should also take a few classes. You can learn a lot by watching other actors and a lot of people don't believe that but it's the truth as you will learn from this blog as time goes one. Of course Joaquin is brilliant blah blah blah but the real surprise here is Vinessa Shaw. She wasn't even supposed to have this part according to Hollywood standards but she holds her own here. Her performance is so beautiful and quiet. She says so much with the look on her face and I love that shit! That's what acting is my friends! Having seen two of James Gray's films, I can see that he likes working with a grey palette which works well in his favor. He has certainly mastered it here and this film almost has sort of a noir feel to it even though it's a romantic film. Joaquin's character moving back in with his parents after being happy is very similar to me. I know that dynamic. When I first moved to New York and didn't make it, I had to move back in with my parents. It's not fun. Even though you're a grown man you can't come and go as you please. They ask you twenty questions about where you're going and who you're going with. It's a very frustrating position to be in. I saw that in this film. They never said how old Leonard was in the film but I can imagine he was at least in his mid thirties. There were even a couple of scenes where he had to sneak out of the house. I know what that's like! Being home for the holidays is exactly that. I'm nearly thirty and I still have to pussyfoot. It's mostly my mom though. My dad doesn't care as much but he has his moments. It's ridiculous for a grown man to endure. Every man deserves his own life and privacy. So I felt his pain. They were also wanting him to date Sandra instead of Michelle which is a little too personal for my taste. You should be with whoever you want to be with.

There were also little moments in this film that spoke volumes about the film. There are two different scenes where Joaquin and Gwyneth's characters look at the camera while they are begin hugged, very subtly with one eye. I'm not going to spoil anything for you but you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. I think it's magic because of what those looks could possibly mean. There are even instances when Leonard acts like a child around his parents because that's what they bring out of you when they are constantly in your business and at times I saw myself that way. This is a romantic film but also a cautionary tale about the unattainable. People are unattainable for a reason and it usually ends up hurting you in the long run. This is a rather depressing film at times and there were only a few sloppy moments, plot wise, in this film but overall I give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. It's definitely worth a netflix or your local video store.

Now time for me to get ready for my New years outing tonight. So much to fucking do! I hope all of you have an awesome night tonight and a killer year ahead! Much success to all!!


  1. first of all..u might be one of thousands but still something special and there are laready many people who know about your blog and who like to read it! so please keep it up and continue on it!
    second are a wonderfu singer and write r and actor..don't give up and go for it..go even for more and you have all our support because you are one of the talented ones!
    and am sure your favourite person you talk on the phone can understand when you have to go to save the world...

    happy new year 2010!!!

  2. this movie was AMAZING! well done!

  3. Thank you both for your kind words :-)
