Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Alice In Wonderland (2010)

Anytime Tim Burton announces a project I always know that it's going to be great visually. He has a style that is unique and only he can do. All of his characters are practically a family because they all sort of look the same. His original stories became classics and the stories that he remade such as "Sweeney Todd","Sleepy Hollow", and "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" became classics in their own right because of his signature stamp. So when he announced "Alice In Wonderland", which was practically made for Burton to direct, I fucking lost my shit.

"Alice In Wonderland" is directed by Tim Burton and stars Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, and the voice talents of Michael Sheen, Stephen Fry, and Alan Rickman. In this film Alice is now nineteen and returns to Wonderland only to find out that she is the only one who can slay the Jabberwocky, a dragon like creature owned by the red queen. I don't even have to tell you that this film is a visual FEAST and the fact that I saw it in 3D made it even better. Johnny Depp is a wonder as the Mad Hatter, it's almost as if this man can play any character. Plus working with Tim Burton for the hundredth time doesn't hurt either. These two really get each other and they've had a working relationship since "Edward Scissorhands". Mia Wasikowska as Alice threw me off a little bit at first. Her performance sneaks up on you because you think that she's not really doing a good job at playing Alice because she's sort of one note throughout the film. However, as you watch, you begin to understand why she was chosen. This is like beyond subtle performances my friends. There is something working internally in her throughout this entire film and that speaks volumes about her acting chops. Whether she did it on purpose or not doesn't matter. Helena Bonham Carter nearly stole the whole damn show as the big headed, loud mouthed queen. I love how she spontaneously has outbursts throughout the film that are wonderfully psychotic.

Now there's so much I can say about the film itself. I was a little disappointed because I'm a hardcore Alice In Wonderland fan. I'm a big fan of the 1951 Disney animated film and I was longing for that complete nonsense. A Wonderland where there is demented life and curiousness around every bend. This film definitely sacrificed that minimal narrative coherence that made people fall in love with the story. I figured Tim Burton would be the master at that but he totally went in another direction. Making Alice older and taking us on a completely different journey, which can be a blessing or a curse. Also the film felt like it meandered at some points but you're so in awe of the visuals that you're enchanted anyway. I did enjoy the film as a whole though. The special effects were seamless and amazing and there wasn't a moment you thought they seemed fake.

This film is definitely worth seeing for the 3D experience alone, but don't be thrown off by my review. It's a visual treat and it's Tim Burton!

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