Friday, February 26, 2010

Terminator Salvation (2009)

I'm going to tell you right now that I'm not very familiar with the whole lore of the Terminator saga. In fact, I've never seen the first one. I was very young when I saw T2 so the only thing I remember is Robert Patrick turning into liquid silver and being wowed by it. I came into the franchise with T3: The Rise Of The Machines which I actually enjoyed. I have to admit, even though I enjoyed T3, I wasn't particularly excited for this latest entry. However, the special effects did look amazing in the trailer.

"Terminator: Salvation" is a film directed by McG, who directed the Charlie's Angels films, and stars Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Moon Bloodgood, Bryce Dallas Howard, Common, Jane Alexander, and Helena Bonham Carter. This film supposedly takes place after Judgement day and the machines have taken over our world. John Connor is now a man and is the destined leader of the human resistance. He's on a mission to stop Skynet's plan to terminate mankind. Right up front, I have to tell you, that this film surprised the hell out of me on how entertaining it was. There was action out the ass and it was the perfect summer film. Of course this is the film that Christian Bale was recorded having a meltdown during one of his scenes, but I didn't even think about it while I was watching this. The action scenes are very intense and it sort of gets your adrenaline pumping. Now this is a summer film so I really didn't pay attention to the performances that much. I just strapped myself in and went for a ride. However, the performances didn't make me cringe. They were all pretty solid. One thing I kept asking myself though is who the hell is Sam Worthington's agent?! Seriously! This guy has been in two major blockbusters playing leading roles in one year, Terminator Salvation and Avatar, and he's in the upcoming remake of "Clash Of The Titans" coming out next month! That's three blockbusters in a row! Whoever his agent is, deserves a fucking raise! He's a very in demand actor right now, ranking in at number 7 on IMDB. Now, I also have to say that he's a better actor than he gets credit for. This is a guy who didn't even want to be an actor. He went to an audition with his girlfriend and he became the actor and she didn't! His performance in this was very good and I believed the intentions of his character and really cared about his journey. He's probably gonna get ragged on because he's in this types of films but I really think that he's a talent to watch out for. Don't let the summer blockbusters fool you my friends. This one may go places.

I watched this film on blu ray so the sound was impeccable if you're into that sort of thing. Every robotic sound, every explosion, every gun shot was heard in perfect clarity. I was in lossless sound heaven! This is definitely one of those movies that you just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. It's good to watch movies like that to balance things out. Just hearing the Terminator theme made my heart race. The special effects were seamless and dreamlike. There was some major money put into this film. There wasn't a moment where I thought anything was fake or looked fake.

If you're looking for an exciting ride then this film is for you. I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but you never know until you watch...

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