Friday, January 8, 2010

Angel Of Death (2009)

So last night I managed to watch three movies and one of them I barely made it through which used to be a rare thing for me, but is now becoming less rare. One of the films that I watched was "Angel Of Death" starring Zoe Bell whose most known as being a stuntwoman for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill and starring in Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof. The film is directed by Paul Etheredge.

I'm going to say right off the bat that this film is by no means a masterpiece. I didn't particularly like this film. It was was too jumbled for me. Didn't really have a cohesive plot and the performances were mediocre at best. However, you really can't expect much from a direct to video release. Zoe Bell drew me to see it cause I liked her so much in Death Proof.

Angel of Death was originally a web series and knowing the plot of the movie, it could've been so much better than it was. This is an example of a great idea gone wrong. The film is about an assassin named Eve who is employed by a crime family. After a botched hit resulting in her getting stabbed in the head, she starts to see visions on the victims she killed in the past and is driven to seek revenge on her employers.

Now, the film isn't a total loss. Like I've said before, there's always at least one thing good about a film no matter how bad it is. Stylistically, there are some cool moments here and there, editing wise, and Zoe Bell's performance is actually better than I expected. She is better than everyone else in the film. She's no Charlize Theron yet but you can tell she took some acting classes after Death Proof. The cinematography was pretty good too and the very last shot of the film is probably the best shot in the entire film. The film felt rushed and there were a few throwaway characters. Ted Raimi, Sam Raimi's brother, a character actor that I like was in the film for all of thirty seconds and his name was in the opening credits as if he had a substantial role. Most of the time I was confused as to who was who and the sound design was weird because at times I had to turn on the subtitles just to understand what they were saying.

All in all this film gets an "A" for effort, but a little more time and crafting could've made this a great action revenge film. I don't recommend this unless you're that curious about what I've said here.

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