Friday, January 22, 2010

Julie & Julia (2009)

Every once in a while a film comes along that a total inspiration to me. A film that makes me re-evaluate and gives me a charge for life. That may seem over the top to some, but movies touch me in that way sometimes.

Today's film is "Julie & Julia" directed by Nora Ephron. It stars Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, and Chris Messina. This is actually my second time watching this film because I love it that much. Plus, I wanted to show it to my mom who I knew would appreciate it. The film is basically about two women in two different times. Julie Powell, an unhappy government worker and an avid foodie and Julia Child, a woman who decides that cooking is what she wants to do. It's a very well done film and in my opinion one of the best films of 2009. My best of 2009 list is coming soon.

Of course Meryl Streep is fantastic in this film. I'm just beside myself on her brilliance as an actress. She's a legend. There are so many little nuances that she gives to this character that I adore and I find myself really loving every little thing, every word, every action that she brings to this character. This is a performance my friends. Actors take note. It never pays to overact, most of the time. With film you've got to be more natural and more subtle but not too much. It has to be just right and I know I say this a lot and it gets repetitive, but maybe if I keep addressing it, you'll get it. Amy Adams is a revelation in this. She plays Julie Powell with such conviction that it's hard to see her as anyone else. The men in the film are no slouches either. Stanley Tucci brings Paul Child to life with charm and compassion and Chris Messina brings a modest and supportive performance.

The palette of this film is marvelous! The food looks so good and colorful and the set design is perfect. You can tell that they put a lot of effort into every little detail of this story. The film feels lived in and that's always a good thing when you can't tell the difference. That's why I always say, you should take your time with every aspect of a film. The story, the characters, the costumes, etc. This film makes you fall in love with butter, cooking, Julia Child, and life. Even though Julie never got to meet Julia, at least she did something for Julia after her death. She has exposed her to a whole new generation who may not of known who Julia Child was. Seeing this film for the second time was definitely a treat for me. I have a lot of foodie friends in New York and it's always good to cook yourself a good meal.

If you want to see good food and great performances then this film is for you. This might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I always love to challenge people to go outside of their comfort film zones. For the life of me I don't understand why men or anyone for that matter shy away from films like this, it's just a bloody movie! You're balls will still be there don't worry. You just might be pleasantly surprised.

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