Monday, January 25, 2010

Michael Jackson's This Is It (2009)

When this film was announced, I had some mixed feelings. Not because I don't like Michael Jackson, it was because I felt that the media was sensationalizing his death even more than it already was. It's like big business if someone dies. Unfortunately that's how this world works. It's driven by MONEY. You're nothing without it in this world and when you do have it, you don't really have to spend it because you get things for free. Michael Jackson was a force far greater than anyone could imagine. He was literally world renowned and not very many people can say that they are.

This documentary called "This Is It" is rehearsal footage for MJ's final tour that would've started last July. However Michael died before the tour started. It was only a matter of time before this rehearsal footage would be seen by the world. After all, we would be seeing a concert we would've seen. The documentary was directed by Kenny Ortega, the man behind the High School Musical trilogy. He actually worked with Michael before he did the high school musical films and he was going to direct Michael Jackson's tour as well. It was nice to see what Michael had in store for us. The music, the sets, the dancers, the imagery...but at times I found myself a little bored with certain scenes. Don't take this the wrong way, I loved the movie but there are scenes that are drawn out too long and certain places where a song begins to start and you get all excited and Michael tells them to stop because they didn't start on the right cue. I know it's a documentary but that was my only problem. I think I agree with Latoya Jackson when she said that Michael would've never allowed this footage to be shown. At least not all of it. He was very much a perfectionist as you'll see in this and he wouldn't have liked it. However, at the same time, I do understand that people who bought tickets to the show would feel somewhat compensated.

There was a very strong message throughout this film that I adored and Is one of the many reasons that I've always loved Michael. He kept implementing love and healing the world and the well being of the human race. He dedicated his life to the world and to the people in it and not very many people do that. I've always felt connected to Michael, not because I was compared to him for most of my life, but because we have the same kind heart. If I had the money he had, I would be doing the same thing. I would be a charity whore. Why have all that money and not help everyone you can? He was still singing his songs with the same great voice and it was like he never aged. His voice sounds exactly the same. He was dancing right along with the dancers and jumping around. He was very physical. It was great and sad at the same time to see him in action. We all loved him and then we all abandoned him. I've always believed in Michael and always supported him. I never believed the accusations. I was always on his side and it sucks that someone who was once so great was ridiculed so much.

Michael was planning an awesome show for us to see as you'll see here. There are some parts where you are just in awe because you can't believe the huge scale of the show. "Thriller" was going to be in 3D projected on screens and the "Earth Song" was going to sport a giant tractor. Two of many great things in the show. Michael knew his songs so deeply and liked to really feel the music. He liked to let it simmer, which is something he said quite often during the rehearsals. It's like he was feeling something in the music much deeper than we could ever feel. He was an angel on this earth and now he's gone.

Michael will always be the king of pop and if you want to see his last hurrah, you won't be disappointed.

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