Thursday, January 14, 2010

Inkheart (2009)

Fantasy films are very rare these days and were really only big to begin with in the eighties with films like The Neverending Story, Legend, Labyrinth, and The Dark Crystal to name a few. Nowadays they can be a hit or a miss. There's a part of me that is still looking for that imaginative film that takes me to another world of magic and wonder. Not that there hasn't been those films in the past decade, there has, just very few.

Inkheart is a film directed by Ian Softley and starring Brendan Fraser, Paul Bettany, Helen Mirren, Andy Serkis, Jim Broadbent, and Eliza Bennett. Inkheart is sort of a long story to describe, but I'll try. It's basically about a man with a silver tongue. Silver tongued people, when reading a book, can make the words they're actually reading come to life. Whatever is in the book, comes out of the book but the catch is, someone goes into the book. Fraser plays Mortimer, a silver tongued man who accidentally read his wife into the book. Now he and his young daughter are on a quest to save her by looking for the book that he was reading that night, nine years ago, Inkheart which apparently is now rare and out of print. He finally finds a copy in an old antique bookstore and he goes on an adventure to get his wife back. However, before he can read his wife out, he is pursued by a character from the book who was read out nine years ago who wants to go back in the book to his family. There's also an evil villain who was read out at the same time who has gotten accustomed to this world and doesn't want to go back. If all that makes any sense. It makes more sense when you're watching it.

Now, I have to say that I'm not really sure on my position with this film. I don't hate it, but I'm not so sure if I like it either. I may have to watch it again because I didn't watch it on my home theater system and maybe that might make a difference. The film is a solid watch though, it just felt like it was suppressed a little bit. It could've been so much more imaginative than it was. The film felt like it was on the verge of something great the entire time that I was watching it but the greatness never came. It was basically like have no thrill sex. It's ok but it could be so much better. Maybe that had something to do with time or budget, don't really know. This film had so much potential to be the next epic fantasy adventure.

Having said that, there are some great qualities about this film. The cinematography was excellent. Very colorful and majestic and it seemed like everything was on a wide scope. This film was shot in Europe, so the landscapes are magical in every frame. The performances were ok. Not the best, but they did their best with what they had I suppose. The film's final moments were maybe a little cheesy for me. This is another example of a film rushing an ending I felt like. They spent a lot of time setting up the lore of Inkheart that I think they realized they were running out of time and just wrapped it up. It's not terribly obvious, but you'll notice it. The special effects were decent, although it seems like they stepped up their game for the final showdown at the end.

The film is not a total loss. I would recommend a rental is you're curious. I can't tell you if you're going to like it or not. This one depends on your preferences.

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