Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Up In The Air (2009)

I will say this with no doubt in my mind, this film will win best picture at the Academy Awards. If it doesn't, I'm a fool in love with this film. A FOOL! Damn, I just remembered that "Avatar" is in the running...hmmm...well...if there's any justice this film will win it. Don't get me wrong Avatar is an amazing film and I loved it, but this film stands on it's own as a classic.

"Up In The Air" is a film directed by Jason Reitman, the director of another great film "Juno" and it stars George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick, Jason Bateman, and Danny Mcbride. It's about a man who makes his living traveling around the United States firing employees for bosses who don't want to do it themselves. He also does motivational speeches on the side. He's quite happy with his life and living in and out of hotels and airports. He plans to reach 10 million frequent flyer miles as his goal. During his travels, he meets another frequent flyer and they begin a casual relationship. Meanwhile back at headquarters a young ambitious coworker has figured out a way to cut costs buy conducting layoffs from the office instead of flying to each location. Obviously this shakes up Ryan Bingham, George Clooney's character, and he attempts to thwart her plan but ends up having to train her before the new plan goes into effect. As they travel together, they discuss life and what it means to each of them and Natalie Keener, Anna Kendrick's character challenges Ryan's beliefs but he remains unchanged. This is a very important film and a very entertaining film. This film sneaks up on you with it's message and I always love a good surprise. It packs a punch without having to do very much at all. What's more important and what stuck out for me is the exposure of the corporate world and how layoffs affect people who have been working for companies for years and years and are told out of the blue that they are no longer needed. It was very heartbreaking to see the different reactions from people being laid off because it's a very real situation. The extra actors did a VERY good job playing those small roles. I was very impressed.

I might be biased on this next statement, but I have a hard on for Clooney. I love EVERY single thing he does, even his activism. He is the definition of a good man and I admire that about him. He always surprises me when he pulls in a good performance such as this one. Clooney is the definition of class and I look up to him in a sort of Gentleman's Quarterly way. He's the man I want to become. Having said that, his performance is definitely Oscar worthy. Here is a man whose life is traveling. He loves it. He loves being in hotels. The airport is his home. He loves living free without having to worry about who he's leaving behind at home. There are people like that and you either admire them or feel sorry for them. I knew a man who lived similar to Ryan Bingham so I know there's a thrill in traveling on a moments notice and staying in great hotels. Getting points from hotels and frequent flyer miles and admirals clubs and executive platinum and the whole bit. It's enough to give anyone a woody. So when all of that is threatened, Clooney's character almost doesn't know how to be without that life. Having lived it for so long, even alienating his family. I love George Clooney and I hope to work alongside him one day. I envy Anna Kendrick, as a young actress, she had the role of a lifetime and with good reason. She's a very talented young woman and it shows in every frame that she's in. The character of Natalie Keener is one that is so familiar to me because I'm close to her age. There's a lot of young people like her who have this idea that everything is supposed to go according to plan. She had her head on her shoulders and was very confused by Ryan's carefree lifestyle at his age. Even though Mo'nique will win the Oscar, being nominated is a milestone for Kendrick. Vera Farmiga is another favorite actress of mine. She always has conviction in everything she does. The scenes between her and George are excellent. Their chemistry is undeniable and it works on so many levels. I loved watching them together.

The cinematography for this film was very well matched with the tone and look of this film. The score, the feel, everything thing technical about this film was perfect. It was handled with care and obviously very close to the director's heart. Every frame is handled in a way that poetry is written. There is one scene that I loved. Close to the end, George Clooney asks Jason Batmen what happened to Anna Kendrick's character and Jason tells him that she quit, after he says that, they show a shot of her on the conveyor belt at the airport with her back to the camera. It was quiet, simple, poetic, and absolutely a classic shot. One of the many great things about this film.

I strongly advise you to see this film. It's very difficult to capture what is going on at the present moment in film but this film manages to do that with wit, humor, and the essence of the human condition. I will definitely see it again. See it! Even the fucking trailer is brilliant!

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