Thursday, January 14, 2010

State Of Play (2009)

When it comes to films that deal with politics, it can go one of two ways. It can be completely bad and unrealistic and sensationalized or it can be riveting and real and suspenseful. Some political films can even seem preachy or one sided. It's very rare you come across a political film that might actually be something to see.

State Of Play is a film directed By Kevin Macdonald, who also directed The Last King Of Scotland a great film indeed. It's adapted from a BBC TV serial of the same name. The film stars some heavy hitters like Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Robin Wright Penn, Jason Bateman, Jeff Daniels, and the amazingly talented Viola Davis. Kevin Macdonald used to direct documentary films so there is an element of that eye in this outing. The film is about a really elaborate conspiracy that is completely relevant and could actually happen. This is what makes the film watchable and scary. Now, I'm not going to explain the plot of this film because this is a film you just have to watch. It's very engaging and I loved every twist and turn in this film because there are many. I was on the edge of my seat a lot of the time because the plot was very time sensitive.

This film definitely points out the murder and mayhem that may or may not surround politics. It seems that more murder and mayhem happen with politics and religion. The two very things that are supposed to give order in this world. Supposed to. It also point out the power of money and how it really is the root of all evil in this world. This film doesn't preach to it's audience and the director handled his approach very well and produced a film that is not only great entertainment, but very involved as well. There are definitely certain jobs that prevent you from having friends and a reporter is definitely on of them. Every actor in this film knocks it out of the park. I wanted to see more of Helen Mirren, but she only had a supporting role and she worked that role let me tell you! Rachel McAdams proves once again that's she's a credible actress and Russell Crowe is great as always, no need to sing his praises. However, I was drawn to the quietness of Robin Wright Penn's character. What can I say, I'm a sucker for subtly and this was another great example of that.

The film almost had a film noir vibe to it and the palette was very smoky. If that makes any sense. It fit the tone of the film very well. If you're looking for a great nail bitter, then this film is for you. It entertains while educating you and that's a recipe for a great political thriller.

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